Riding Lessons
Begin your riding journey!
Discover the equestrian world
"Initiation" lessons
Format: 30 mins
Age group: 3 to 6 years
– develop comfort on foot and on horseback (i.e., familiarize the child with the pony).
– Learn to situate your body in space (front, back, inside, outside).
– appropriating your body schema (example: knowing where your hands and legs are, and using them).
– Familiarize oneself with equestrian vocabulary (example: know the names of the main body parts of ponies).
– All exercises are done on a playful basis: children learn while having fun.
– Work sequences should be short and healthy to maintain student attention.
– Finally, positive pedagogy is particularly important at this age. The child takes confidence in oneself: our role is to show them that they are capable.
"Poney de Bronze" lessons
Format: 1 hour of which: 30 minutes in the stable and 30 min in the arena with the pony
Age group: about 6 to 10 years (depending on maturity)
– autonomy in the stable (being able to prepare your pony alone or with partial assistance).
– Ability to perform equipment checks alone before mounting.
– be able to ride alone safely.
– autonomy at walk and trot gaits.
– Wide variety of exercises always fun to energize and increase the dexterity and autonomy of riders.
"Poney d'argent" lessons
Format: 1 hour in the arena (students must arrive 20-30 minutes before to prepare the pony themselves)
Age group: 10 years and up (could be younger, depending on the maturity and motivation of the rider)
– Reinforce autonomy in the box (before the lesson).
– Strengthening autonomy at walk and trot gaits.
– Gallop initiation.
– Introduction to jumping.
– The lessons alternate between posture, balance and flexibility-oriented courses (working with the rider’s position) and horse control courses (“école des aides”).
"Poney d’or" lessons
Format: 1 hour in the arena (students must arrive 20-30 minutes before to prepare the pony themselves)
Age group: 10 years and up (could be younger, depending on the maturity and motivation of the rider)
– Continue building the foundation for a solid sitting and balanced position.
– Introduce students to dressage.
– Introduce students to jumping.
– Introduce to competitions (dressage, jumping and pony games).
– Same alternation between posture, balance and flexibility lessons and control lessons.
– Dressage and jumping courses are defined on a fixed and weekly basis.
– Students must ride twice a week (1 jumping lesson and 1 dressage lesson or 2 dressage lessons permitted, but not 2 jumping lessons).
"Galop 3-4" lessons
Format: 1 hour in the arena (students must arrive 20-30 minutes before to prepare the pony/horse themselves)
Age group: 10 years and up (could be younger, depending on the maturity and motivation of the rider)
– Improve students’ position in dressage and obstacle.
– In dressage, perform a Preliminary level test (FEI).
– Complete the course of 80-90cms obstacles in jumping lessons.
– Posture, balance and flexibility exercises is built into the warm-up of each lesson.
– Practice of dressage exercises, helping to integrate the basic notions of dressage for the rider and his horse.
– Training on the texts of dressage tests.
– In the obstacle lessons, riders practice exercises aimed at improving the perception and control of the horse.
– Dressage and obstacle courses are defined on a fixed and weekly basis.
– Students must ride twice a week (1 jumping lesson and 1 dressage lesson or 2 dressage lessons permitted, but not 2 jumping lessons)
"Galop 5-6" lessons
Format: 1 hour in the arena (students must arrive 20-30 minutes before to prepare the pony/horse themselves)
Age group: 10 years and up (could be younger, depending on the maturity and motivation of the rider)
– Improve students’ position in dressage and obstacle.
– In dressage, perform an Elementary level test (FEI).
– Complete the course of 90-110cms obstacles in jumping lessons.
– Posture, balance and flexibility exercises is built into the warm-up of each lesson.
– Practice of dressage exercises, helping to integrate the basic notions of dressage for the rider and his horse.
– Training on the texts of dressage tests.
– In the obstacle lessons, riders practice exercises aimed at improving the perception and control of the horse.
– Dressage and obstacle courses are defined on a fixed and weekly basis.
– Students must ride twice a week (1 jumping lesson and 1 dressage lesson or 2 dressage lessons permitted, but not 2 jumping lessons)
"Galop 7 and +" lessons
Format: 1 hour in the arena (students must arrive 20-30 minutes before to prepare the pony/horse themselves)
Age group: 15 years and up
– In dressage, perform a Medium, Advanced or St Georges level test (FEI).
– Complete the course of 100-130cms obstacles in jumping lessons.
– Specific dressage training
– Specific obstacle training
– Custom work of horse/rider pairs